Returning home to oneself

FREE Course begins July 11, 2022


Thanks to a grant we were able to cover 1000 spots (including gift bag). Those spots are filled, however, you can join for $99 (which includes gift bag) or you may join for free and receive all the content. 

To join for free and receive content, email

The pandemic took a toll on everyone’s mental health, but especially women’s.

Some might say the pandemic is over, but we are all continuing to feel the reverberations from the isolation, stress, anxiety, and pressures we all experienced during lockdown. 

Have you experienced any of the following in the past year?

  • Sleeplessness
  • Muscle aches
  • A louder inner critic constantly in judgment mode
  • A sense of overwhelm
  • Despair, despondency and a desire to numb out
  • A feeling of just barely hanging on
  • Anxiety, rumination, worry
  • Feeling stuck, frozen, indecisive

The long term mental health effects of the pandemic on women is not yet known. Research on trauma has established that the effects of a major event (like a pandemic) can linger on for years after the actual event.

What is clear is that women were impacted deeply at the level of their mind, heart, and body. 

In these days of “recovery” from such a massive event, women are talking about burnout, exhaustion, and a desire to not slip back into pre-pandemic patterns or a marginal life.


A positive of the pandemic seems to be a shift in perspective and more readiness for change. In this program we want to capitalize on this, and create a supportive container for women to return to their true self. When we are in good relationship with self, clarity emerges about the decisions we need to make and the direction our life needs to go.

Hi, I'm Betsy

— a licensed psychologist, certified yoga and meditation teacher, author, and momma of 3 kids ages 10-16.

Summer 2021, I was lucky enough to receive a grant to fund an online self-compassion program for women that I called TEND HER.   My motivation for this grant came from the research I was reading about women’s mental well being during the pandemic and how they were twice as likely to suffer depression and anxiety than their male counterparts.  

Additionally, I had spent the last year listening to the challenges of women in my private practice.  And admittedly, I too had been suffering from overwhelm.

In the grant, I asked for funding for 500 women (which at the time felt like high hopes).  

Within 5 hours of putting a message out on my personal FaceBook page about TEND HER, we had reached 500 participants!

I reached out to my grant funder to see if we could extend it to 1000 women, and within 5 days, 1000 women had registered for the class.

It was clear a chord had been struck!

While we worked with self-compassion during the first TEND HER, the 2.0 version will explore how women can return to themselves and reclaim their heart, body, and intuition.  

Women are often primary caregivers, and extend a lot of energy toward others.  This program will help women move inward to reclaim their instincts, rhythms, body and inner knowing.


is for all who identify as female. All races, ages, body types, sexual orientation and gender identification are welcome to this sisterhood.

Women are social beings.  When stressed, our first inclination is to “tend and befriend”.  Healthy, safe circles of women that encourage authenticity are some of the most powerful, healing forces known to humanity.

There are many cultural factors that weaken women, so banding together in a supportive space can do wonders for a woman’s outlook.

In the TEND HER PROGRAM, we give you the opportunity to learn the art of returning first to a deeper relationship to yourself, and then how to carry that into relationship to others.  



Four 1-hour long online classes starting Monday, July 11 – August 1 from 7-8PM with Dr. Betsy. If you cannot make the class LIVE, it is recorded and can be watched on an online educational portal. In the 4 classes you will learn why women need to return home to themselves, as well as the importance of reconnecting to our hearts, bodies, and intuition which sets us up to better make connection to others and the world at large. 


4 Bonus sessions starting Wednesday, July 13 – August 3 from 7-8PM with Betsy’s esteemed friends and colleagues.  These sessions are designed to take the content learned in the Monday session and practice or embody it deeper.  These sessions will include more conversations and exercises.  

PRIVATE GROUP + Small group opportunities

A private Facebook group for TEND HER members that allows for connection, community building, and a place to feel seen and heard. One of the principle characteristics of self-compassion is realizing you are not alone.

A small group of 10 women plus a group leader.  Each group has autonomy and agency to meet or use the group however the group sees fit.  We encourage all women to take advantage of the opportunity to go deeper.


Journaling and soul-work. You will receive in the mail  a TEND HER journal to keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and new insights.  Each Friday morning you will receive a video in your email from Andrea Wilson, a writer and narrative therapist, with writing exercises and journal prompts to help you go deeper with that week’s content.


A care package in the mail. You will receive a package of love including a journal, candle, and bracelet – all items designed to remind you of what you learned in the course.  We will use the journal and candle each week in our work together, and wearing the bracelet links you with all in the program.  This package not only provides tangible symbols of the work you did, but is also a way to “receive” care and encouragement. Plus, we are teaming with local women-run businesses to provide your swag.

Program Disclaimer

*This program is FREE for the first 1000 women living in the state of Iowa who register thanks to this grant. We request that if you register for the program, that you truly engage in all of it, not only as a commitment to yourself, but to honor the space you have received. (If you are from out of state, no worries, we’d still love to have you join. Your payment covers the cost of materials sent your way.)

Sign Up

Here’s What You Get
4 Hour Live Online Classes with Dr. Betsy (July 11 – August 1, to be recorded)$125 value FREE
4 LIVE Bonus Sessions with Professionals (July 13 – August 3, to be recorded) $125 value FREE
Private Facebook GroupPriceless FREE
Tend Her Journal$25 value FREE
Care Package$50 value FREE

That’s a $325 value for FREE!

Sign up up here for full course - $99

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  • The live online content classes with Dr. Betsy take place every Monday from 7-8PM starting July 11. (If you cannot make it live, the class is recorded). So mark time off in your calendar. You must be present to receive the inner shift!
  • The online experiential classes with Dr. Betsy’s colleagues that take the content one step farther happen each Wednesday from 7-8PM starting July 13. 
  • Each Friday you will receive a video in your inbox from Andrea Wilson, a narrative therapist, with writing prompts to journal about to help you go deeper into yourself.
  • Can’t make it live on Mondays or Wednesdays? No problem. You’ll receive a recording you can watch anytime.


  • Create a safe container and ground rules for the program.
  • Understand the importance of women returning to themselves, and what this actually means.
  • Discuss all the reasons we have disconnected from self.
  • Meet the TEND HER team – Kate Moreland, Monica Basile, Fannie Hungerford & Andrea Wilson.

Wednesday, July 13 from 7-8pm CST.  Join Kate as she leads you deeper into the heart with exercises and discussion.


  • Learn the socio-cultural reasons for why women are so disconnected from our bodies
  • Understand the 4 main benefits of embodiment
  • Gain insight into mindful tools that help us re-inhabit our body in a compassionate way


Wednesday, July 20 from 7-8PM.   Join Betsy as she leads a discussion on why women so often struggle with their relationship to their body and how to heal this.  Engage in simple somatic exercises to reconnect to your physical self. 

  • Understand why we have become so distanced from our innate knowing, or 6th sense.
  • Learn the research behind intuition and how science supports our deeper knowing.
  • Understand how to embrace the feminine gift of intuition and how to use it to better your life.

Wednesday, July 27 from 7-8pm CST.   Join Monica as she guides you into relationship to your intuition via various exercises and perspectives.  

  • Now that you have returned to your heart, your body, and your intuition, what does this mean for connection with yourself, your loved ones, and the world?
  • Understand why  you can only connect as deep with another as you have been willing to go yourself. 
  • Discuss how to nurture and build a strong sisterhood of women by overcoming our sister wounds and our mother wounds.

Wednesday, August 3 from 7-8pm CST. Join Fannie in a discussion around connection and exercises on how to engage more authentically. 

EVERY FRIDAY – Check your inbox every Friday morning for a video message from Andrea Wilson with writing prompts and inspiration to delve into the week’s content in a more personal way via journaling and narrative therapy. 

About Your Guide

Betsy Brandl Rippentrop, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, certified yoga and meditation teacher, and Reiki master who uniquely blends science, psychology, mysticism and spirituality into her yoga classes and private therapy work.

She guides people into courageous awareness of their body and mind, and is especially adept at translating complex concepts into practical tools that can efficiently shift our state of being.

Betsy also owns Heartland Yoga, maintains a psychology practice focused on integrating yoga into treatment, has written multiple academic papers on the mind-body connection and is author of Chakra Healing: Restore balance to your body, mind, and spirit through the seven energy centers

Visit her at

ABOUT BETSY'S Colleagues

Kate Moreland is an experienced leader and certified coach who understands the struggles of career decisions, leadership, and finding the right cultural fit. After a decade of practicing law, Kate recognized that she needed to make a change. For the past 12 years, Kate has been coaching others as they explore interests, uncover strengths, and consider career moves. She has a certificate in the Science of Well-Being from Yale and is the Co-Founder of Her Experience, a revolutionary retreat for women. She is the co-host of the Tend Her Wild podcast.

Andrea Wilson combines writing and narrative therapy to create deep exploratory experiences for women and girls to connect with their true selves. Using methods of deconstructive empowerment, she helps people harness the psychological tools to create and live from new stories of personal power. She is the director of the Iowa Writers’ House and leads her own private therapy practice, A Write Mind. You can find more information on working with Andrea by emailing her at or by visiting

Monica Basile, Ph.D., is a Certified Professional Midwife, Reiki Master-Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, and visual artist living in Iowa City. With over 25 years of experience as a healer, midwife, and educator, she is passionate about helping people experience beauty, enchantment, connection to the earth, and inner peace through honoring the seasonal and cyclical transformations of life. Drawing on her ongoing herbal studies and lifelong connection with plants, her art practice currently focuses on botanical illustrations as meditations on the spiritual-material interconnectedness between humans and ecosystems. Monica is a mother and a longtime yoga and meditation practitioner. She believes in the power of gentle compassion, the wisdom of the body, and the light within all beings.

Fannie Hungerford, is a creator, teacher, spiritual seeker, and guide based in Iowa City, IA. Her teaching and work are grounded in the psychology and energetics of Yoga and Tantra and is informed by the interconnectedness of all things, the beauty of the human spirit, and the deep wisdom of the Earth. Leaning on her core values of authenticity and connection, she specializes in yoga nidra, chanting, creative expression, and bringing people together for experiences that lead them into the spaces of deep knowing and heartfelt being. Fannie is on faculty at the University of Iowa, teaching Yoga (practice and philosophy) in the Theatre Arts Department, and is also a graduate student at Mount Mercy University, studying to become a Marriage and Family Therapist. She leads retreats, yoga teacher training, and seasonal classes. She has 3 kids and loves tacos.