This guide reviews how Psychology and Yoga understand and address mental health. Gain tips for how to address anxiety, depression, stress/irritability, and trauma with yoga interventions.
I spent my 20s studying the expansive and miraculous mind. I earned a Ph.D. in counseling psychology, spent my fair share of time as a patient in the therapy chair, and sat with hundreds of my own patients hearing their struggles. I learned that the mind is powerful, and in the words of the Buddha, with our thoughts, we make our world.
The next decade of my life focused on the body as I deepened my yoga practice, pursued yoga teacher training, took anatomy classes, became a Reiki master, began a regular practice of meditation, opened a yoga studio, wrote a book about the chakras, and studied with incredible teachers, including John Friend, Angela Farmer, Sally Kempton, and Dr. Deepak Chopra. I learned that inhabiting my body and following its guidance only deepened my knowledge of self, and made me more grounded and stable.
My life’s work is to create space, dialogue, and experiences where you feel safe and encouraged to give equal acknowledgment and attention to your body, mind & spirit, and open you to the possibility that there is a larger plan and flow to your life. Your points of pain and suffering are the places you MUST GO because they are your greatest teachers and hold the key to your growth and transformation.
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