Dr. Betsy teaches several online courses a year that take students on a more in-depth journey into their bodies and minds. Check out past courses that you can access now or upcoming live courses.
Current & Upcoming Workshops
Reclaim: The Heroine's Journey
registration open
RECLAIM is a 14-week online course that runs through the darkest days of the year to capitalize on our natural tendency to move inward. This course is based on the model of the “Heroine’s Journey” which brings us face to face with self through an exploration of our inner terrain.
The task of the heroine’s journey is to heal the internal split that tells us to override feelings, intuition, and dreams that inform the truth of our life.
In this course we use depth psychology, shadow work, dream interpretation, meditation, hypnosis, yoga, and writing to help us descend and access soul.
What to Expect from Reclaim
- 14 Weeks 90-minute Content Classes (Thursdays 5:30PM CST)
- 28 Yoga Classes
- 3 Cacao ceremonies
- 1 Individual session with Dr. Betsy

Yoga For The Mind
next course: 2026
Yoga for the Mind is an online 5-month program that will provide you a certification for integrating yoga into your mental health work, or integrating an understanding of mental health into how you teach yoga. Graduates of the certification program, working within their scope of practice, will be able to use the skills learned in this program as adjunctive treatment for mental health.
The course will also provide evidence based practical tools to use with your clients, whether you are a therapist working 1-on-1 with clients or a teacher leading group classes.
This training also includes weekly calls and Q & A’s with Dr. Betsy for additional support and supervision as you begin to use this methodology in your work.
This course will be offered again in 2026.

Tend Her 3.0
free course
This 4-week free course for Iowa residents (as covered by a grant) helps women return to their inner knowing via reconnection to their body, heart, intuition, and relationships.
Pre-Recorded Workshops

The Intuitive Yogi Series
10 Classes $99
I’ve been fascinated with developing and listening to my intuition for a long time. I’ve learned that everyone is intuitive, but not everyone has developed this skill to its fullest potential.
What is The Intuitive Yogi Series
- Week 1: Intro to Intuition
- Week 2: Creating Ritual
- Week 3: The Intuitive Pelvis
- Week 4: The Intuitive Heart
- Week 5: The Intuitive Third Eye
- Week 6: Connecting 3 Intuitive Centers
- Week 7: The Breath is A Wonder Drug
- Week 8: Open to the Signs
- Week 9: Unblock & Listen to Inner Truth
- Week 10: Listen & Act

Finding Yourself Series
8 Classes $77
I have always been a lifelong seeker. I believe that every human has a deeper longing to know and actualize their true self.
What is the Finding Yourself Series
In this 8-week series, we are using to use the yoga tradition as a template for self-study (Svadhaya). Each week we will explore a new aspect of self to discover or re-discover in a new way.
- Week 1: Finding Your Practice
- Week 2: Finding Your Roots
- Week 3: Finding Your Creative Spark
- Week 4: Finding Your Core
- Week 5: Finding Your Center
- Week 6: Finding Your Shadow
- Week 7: Finding Your Light
- Week 8: Finding Your True North

Align & Integrate Series
10 Classes $99
The 8 limbs of Yoga are like a guidebook or a really good map that shows a pathway toward more FREEDOM. The yogis created a plan by which human evolution, both individually and collectively, could progress.
What is Align & Integrate Series
This series explores the first 2 limbs of yoga, the Yamas and the Niyamas. The Yamas are those qualities that help us align with our soul nature. The Niyamas are how we integrate who we are into the world.
These first two limbs essentially teach us how do the inner work and then how to take it into the world. Each class will introduce a yama or niyama, and then provide asana, breath work, mudra, mantra, and self-reflection.
- Week 1: Ahimsa—Peacefulness: Happiness Begins Within
- Week 2: Satya—Truthfulness: Integrity Creates Personal Power
- Week 3: Astheya—Generosity: Giving Initiates the Law of Prosperity
- Week 4: Brahmacharya—Self Control: Moderation Increases Energy
- Week 5: Aparigraha—Appreciation: Gratitude Brings Abundance
- Week 6: Saucha—Purity: Choosing Less Offers More
- Week 7: Santosha—Contentment: Accepting What is Equals Freedom
- Week 8: Tapas—Right Action: Pairing Passion and Non-Attachment
- Week 9: Swadhaya—Self Reflection: Discovering Your True Nature
- Week 10: Iswara Pranidhana—Devotion: Surrendering to Love

Only Connect Series
9 Classes $88
In this series, learn how yoga can help us reconnect to ourselves, others, and the world at large. The inspiration for this series is coming on the heels of a literal year of disconnection as we all socially distanced in a year of pandemic.
What is Only Connect Series
This series explores the first 2 limbs of yoga, the Yamas and the Niyamas. The Yamas are those qualities that help us align with our soul nature. The Niyamas are how we integrate who we are into the world.
These first two limbs essentially teach us how do the inner work and then how to take it into the world. Each class will introduce a yama or niyama, and then provide asana, breath work, mudra, mantra, and self-reflection.
- Week 1: Ahimsa—Peacefulness: Happiness Begins Within
- Week 2: Satya—Truthfulness: Integrity Creates Personal Power
- Week 3: Astheya—Generosity: Giving Initiates the Law of Prosperity
- Week 4: Brahmacharya—Self Control: Moderation Increases Energy
- Week 5: Aparigraha—Appreciation: Gratitude Brings Abundance
- Week 6: Saucha—Purity: Choosing Less Offers More
- Week 7: Santosha—Contentment: Accepting What is Equals Freedom
- Week 8: Tapas—Right Action: Pairing Passion and Non-Attachment
- Week 9: Swadhaya—Self Reflection: Discovering Your True Nature
- Week 10: Iswara Pranidhana—Devotion: Surrendering to Love

Root Chakra Series
7 Classes $66
Our root chakra is the base and foundation of how we function in the world. It is oriented toward survival and security. If we have a history of trauma, experience anxiety, or are going through a major life transition, our root chakra is likely challenged to stay in balance.
What is the Root Chakra Series
This series works to develop a new awareness of this chakra, and every practice integrates a new asana sequence, mudra, breath technique, and theme to help you strengthen and balance your root.
- Class 1: Grounding
- Class 2: Befriending the Body
- Class 3: Safety & Survival
- Class 4: Apana Vayu – The Downward Force of Energy
- Class 5: Strengthening The Immune System
- Class 6: The Power of Gravity
- Class 7: Abundance Consciousness

Release & Lighten Up
7 Classes $66
In this 7-week series, we explore how to lighten up. We are all literally made of light. However, life and all its inherent challenges tend to weigh us down and darken our spirit. To return to our natural state of brightness, it is necessary to shed some of our layers, and this is what this course will help you do.
What is Release & Lighten Up
- Class 1: Intro to Series and Finding Freedom
- Class 2: Overcoming Fear with Tapas
- Class 3: Meeting Life with More Presence
- Class 4: Comparison (and judgment) is the Thief of Happiness
- Class 5: Release Shame & Unworthiness
- Class 6: The Positivity Ratio 3:1 – Moving Toward More Flourishing
- Class 7: Landing in A Lightness of Being