Everyone’s Current Reality

If you find yourself primarily veering toward doom and gloom of late, and you are looking to right the balance, consider the 6 foundational components that shift people to better mood states and enhanced resiliency (even during a pandemic). They include: Being in the body. Did you know that there is great variability in people’s ability […]
My Dark Night of the Soul

About 6 years ago I found myself smack dab in the middle of a dark night of the soul. I had 3 young children, I was working myself to the bone, and my body began to revolt. Four rounds of strep throat in 6 months led to joint pain, diarrhea, migraine headaches, exhaustion, and brain fog. I could hardly […]
Manifesting What Your Heart Desires

What do you want? It’s a powerful question and also one of the hardest questions one might ask. Getting clear on what you desire is not easy. But it is a question worth pondering. I ask myself that question in a formal practice every day. In the style of meditation that I practice and teach, […]
Follow Your Bliss

Most of us know the famous quote “Follow your bliss….” coined by the great mythologist Joseph Campbell. I’ve always loved this idea but have honestly NEVER practiced it. I have a fairly practical orientation to life. I have responsibilities, a schedule, businesses to run, children to raise, appointments to keep, and an ongoing barrage of […]
Greeting 2018 with a High Vibration

I LOVE celebrating a new year. There is something about a fresh start and the prospect of change that incites optimism and hope in me each year. As I reflect on the start of 2018, I think about not only the changes I’d like to see in myself, but also the changes I’d like to […]
Finding Loving Kindness in December

When Dickens set up his novel The Tale of Two Cities with his famous line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of time….”, he may have well been describing December. December. A month filled with a myriad of emotion. For some, it’s their favorite time of year, for others their least. […]
The Lesson of Space

I did something I’ve actually never done before (unless it came after birthing a baby). I took 6 whole weeks off. Last March I had the sense that I needed to take a chunk of time off this summer to write and create space in my life. I bounced the idea around in my […]
Transforming the Eye Sore Into Art

Today is a new moon. I always get wistful at the new moon as it represents a fresh start. Time to let things go, clean house, purge, make space for something else to come in. This past month has been rough, not only for me personally, but also for our nation. We have all been […]
The Point of Therapy

Elizabeth Lesser writes so beautifully about therapy and why it can be useful. She is having a conversation with her sister, Maggie, who has been recently diagnosed with cancer, about why they should go to therapy together to work through past challenges between them and to prepare them for an upcoming bone marrow transplant where […]
The Happiness Formula

I recently learned about the happiness formula based on scientific research from the field of Positive Psychology. This formula teaches that our daily happiness is somewhat predictable. The majority of our daily experiences of happiness (50%) are determined in the first 3 years of life by our parents, siblings, and caretakers. This is called our set […]