Summer Solstice

Dear Friends, Happy Summer Solstice! Today is a powerful and expansive day as we bask in the season of growth, abundance, clear seeing, and literally living in the light. I love this time of year, and yet it is also a bit shocking to consider that 2022 is already HALF OVER. We are literally at the mid-point […]
Teacher Spotlight on Betsy

Name/ Pronouns: Betsy Brandl Rippentrop (She/Hers) What brought you to and how long have you been practicing yoga? I came to yoga in the midst of massive stress my 3rd year of my graduate PhD program. I was preparing to take “comprehensive exams” where we were told to know “everything” about psychology…theories, statistics, specific citations. I had several […]
the Buzz of Spring

Dear Yogis, Are you feeling the new buzz of Spring? Life is starting to awaken out there in the natural world. I am feeling it in myself – life is calling me to step up in new ways. The great thought leader Ken Wilbur has said we all need to “grow up, clean up, wake up, […]
Dark Nights of the Soul

Wisdom Wednesdays with Betsy Dark Nights of the Soul 1st Wednesday of the month @ Noon Register with this Free zoom link Join Dr. Betsy for Wisdom Wednesday (the first Wednesday of every month) as she dives a bit deeper into topics from the traditions of psychology, neuroscience, and yoga. The intention of these conversations […]
2 Years ago

Where were you 2 years ago today? We have all been through so much in these 2 years. There is a part of me ready to move on from the trauma of it all. I’m ready to look ahead to new life and put the past aside. Yet I have learned that when we rush through […]
Tend Her Wild Live with Special Guests

Friday, May 6th @ 1- 4 PM with Happy Hour to follow Join Kate & Betsy for a Live TEND HER WILD Podcast recording with Marianne Williamson! Not only will we be talking with author, thought leader and 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson (and taking audience questions), but we will also hear the music of […]
Podcast Episode #4

Have you checked out Betsy and Kate’s new podcast? Episode #4 dropped today as we interview international artist Lissie. In this podcast we have conversations about how women have been conditioned to loose contact with our inner knowing, and the time has come to re-wild. Re-wilding is a return to one’s natural essence. We are […]
Tend Her Wild Podcast

Excited to announce my new podcast TEND HER WILD with my friend and colleague Kate Moreland. Last summer to my amazement, 1000 women gathered online to participate in the program TEND HER – a 5 week journey toward more self compassion. I had NO IDEA that women were so hungry for connection, wisdom, and tools for […]
Wisdom Wednesday 2-22-22

Wisdom Wednesdays with Betsy Free zoom Join Betsy for Wisdom Wednesdays (the first Wednesday of every month starting 2-2-22). The theme for this month is Fear, Hope, & Love: What Have We Learned In These Past Years? Here is what you will learn: Why today is a POWER PORTAL (2-2-22) and how to capitalize on this […]
Only Connect

The inspiration for this series stems from the literal year of disconnection we’ve all experienced during the pandemic. The word yoga is translated to mean “to yoke” or “to connect” so the essence of this practice is a reunification. The times are demanding more of us right now. When we begin to reconnect, in the words […]