The Importance of Descent, Especially Now

Dear Friend,

Below is a replay of this month’s Wisdom Wednesday where we explore descent, and how the darkest time of the year is a key moment to go inward and work with your shadow.

Throughout humanity, rites of passage were supportive structures that helped people in their life transitions. We have very few rites of passage in modern culture that help us through the liminal space of change. Instead our culture teaches that upward movement, expansion, growth, and power are success and that descent is failure.

But descent is a natural process in life. It will happen to all of us.

We can choose to descend with conscious awareness or we can wait for life to throw us an opportunity for descent (like illness, job loss, betrayal, divorce).

The descent always brings gifts, the main one being we find our soul. Soul retrieval helps us awaken to our meaning and life purpose. If we don’t ever find this, we float along and lack depth and genuine presence.

I have been in a long and continuous descent for several years and thus know the terrain quite well. I don’t fear the shadow or dark (or winter for that matter) in the way I once did because I absolutely trust that we find our deepest growth and truest gifts in the dark.

If you are looking for some guidance as you traverse these dark days, are curious about consciously doing shadow work, or just need some extra support over the winter, check out Reclaim: The Heroine’s Journey that begins December 19.


December 2024 Wisdom Wednesday:

The Importance of Descent

01:00 The Importance of Decent

02:00 My Mission

02:50 Current Offerings

05:00 The Decent

08:00 Rites of Passage

11:00 Buried Treasures by Guru Singh

16:00 Initiation/ The Dark Night

21:00 Soul Descends Spirit Rises

25:00 Doshas: Ayurvedic Principles Vata/Pitta/Kapha

26:00 Why we resist Descent

36:00 Gifts of Descent

41:00 Collective Rite of Passage

43:00 Hero v Heroine’s Journey

50:00 Reclaim: Heroine’s Journey

ReClaim Program: The Heroine’s Journey

Thursdays Dec 20 – March 20, 2025, 5:30-7PM

Joseph Campbell once said that “The world is full of people who have stopped listening to themselves.” He believed that if we don’t listen to our own heart life, we get lost in the shuffle of what the world tells us is important.

Are you lost in the shuffle? Do you feel like….

  • I am tired and exhausted by all that is asked of me.
  • I see how hard I have been working, and often ask ‘to what end?’
  • I care too much about what other’s think and am ready to create a life of my own.
  • I don’t even know anymore what I want or what is the best direction for my life.
  • I feel out of sync with myself, and want to come back to life.
  • I am at a transition point in my life (death of a parent, empty nest, job change, possible move, relationship ending), and I want to move into the next chapter gracefully.

Did you realize this is the perfect time of year to go inward and start listening to yourself? We are energetically and seasonally supported to do inner work.

The Heroine’s Journey is a chance to re-engage or re-claim the places in our lives where we have disconnected from our truth in some way. In this process we will use powerful tools such as depth psychology, shadow work, meditation, yoga, breath work, hypnosis, and archetypal work to help us access more of ourselves.

You are fully supported by me in this process, as well as the group energy of other people doing similar depth work. There is also a chance to do some individual work with me in this course..

All the Details About RECLAIM

Betsy Rippentrop, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and certified yoga and meditation teacher who uniquely blends science, psychology, mysticism and spirituality into her work. She courageously guides people into deeper awareness of their body and mind, and is especially adept at translating complex concepts into practical tools that can efficiently shift people.

She owns Heartland Yoga, maintains a psychology practice focused on integrating yoga into treatment, has authored numerous academic papers on the mind-body connection and is author of Chakra Healing: Renew Your Life Force with the Chakras’ Seven Energy Centers. Follow her popular podcast Tend Her Wild wherever you listen to podcasts.
