
September 12,2022 “Jump!” Is what my kids all yelled. There is no way I would have volunteered to jump off the side of the boat without their encouragement. And because I did, it was an exhilarating, memorable experience (even if the water was freezing cold). Hard things that require courage often feel impossible to do […]
Trusting Your Truth

September 7th, 2022 In our fast-paced world, it’s far too easy to lose oneself and the deep truth of why we are actually here on this earth. When we lose track of our instincts, our truth, and our inner voice, we lose the nourishing roots of our life… …and we find ourselves flailing around with […]
Embracing Abundance Consciousness

August 26, 2022 We are in the final weeks of “summer” which energetically is a time of celebration. This is the time of year to bask in the glow of all the abundance. There is still warmth, light, and copious amounts of tomatoes. These days are meant for gratitude, play, joy, and fun. This all shifts […]
Trauma: Your Body Keeps the Score

If we don’t process the trauma through the body, it continues to live on. We store our issues in our tissues. In this Wisdom Wednesday she is discussing trauma and the toll it takes on our mind, body, and soul. Here are the things you will learn in the Webinar: How common trauma is and how […]
Teacher Spotlight on Betsy

Name/ Pronouns: Betsy Brandl Rippentrop (She/Hers) What brought you to and how long have you been practicing yoga? I came to yoga in the midst of massive stress my 3rd year of my graduate PhD program. I was preparing to take “comprehensive exams” where we were told to know “everything” about psychology…theories, statistics, specific citations. I had several […]
are you molting?

I’m in a major purge period in my life, and am glad to know I’m not alone. During coffee with my dear friend Monica we were talking about all the challenges of the changes we’ve been internally experiencing. Monica shared with me an amazing story that happened to her at Petco of all places! She was picking up […]
Righting the Negativity Bias

I’ve taken on an extra job of taxi driver this Spring carting kids every night to soccer, flag football, cello, golf, or running club. I’ve felt irritable and a bit crazed by the extra activities and my mind has focused solely on the downsides of these choices. It helped me this week when I ran […]
Empowered Pregnancy Summit

While many woman love being pregnant, it was a struggle for me. The changes in my body, the rush of hormones, the intense emotions, the fears….it was all so intense! Despite diligently preparing for each birth, none of them went the way I imagined, requiring me to work with disappointment and ultimately acceptance. I […]
8 Conscious Parenting Tips + Free Meditation

I had a great conversation with Valerie Friedlander, founder of the business “The Unlimited Mom”. She has put together an amazing FREE online event – Motherhood Unlimited. If you want to re-energize Mom-life, re-ignite your relationship, and renew your engagement and mindfulness as a parent then you don’t want to miss out on this event! […]
The Wisdom of Meditating Children

My friend Zac Wedemeyer, founder and leader of Taproot Nature Experience in Iowa City, asks me every year to come teach yoga to his group of junior high and high school students in his week-long outdoor leadership camp. This year we met at Palisades Park on Memorial Day for some yoga along a sandy stretch of beach right next […]